
Preferred Supplier

Let's grow together. This is what it means to become a preferred supplier.
When you reach our preferred supplier turnover level you will be eligible to "preferred supplier" status. This means you will be on the agenda for our internal business development meetings and be entitled to marketing resources such as google ads, space at our exhibitions as well as quicker publications of new products on our web site. Hopefully and usually this means continued growth in sales.
Reaching this status also means your part of our KPI (key performance indicators) becomes more visible and focus is put on our business terms. Critical terms to meet is:
  1. Net payment terms (initially 30 days moving towards 60)
  2. Leads from any client contacting you from our territories (Sweden or Norway for the time beeing)
  3. Stock rotation option (max 10% of annual purchase, max aging 12 months)
  4. Free stock for warranty claims (1% of shipped qty per item)
These does not need to be in place all at once, but prioritized in mentioned order. 
Direktronik AB, established 1986, is a AAA rated company with excellent credit track record and plenty of trade references should it be required. Just let me know if you need anything else to get going.
Looking forward to continuing growing the business with you
Pls contact your purchaser or för any further assistance